Prescriptions and Color Contacts

A frequent question from users is whether it is possible to buy color contacts without prescriptions. Well the answer is yes it is possible but it is not always recommended for comfort and health reasons.

When you buy without a prescription there are risks that several issues might occur. First of all when buying without a prescription, you may find out that the contact lenses you have bought does not fit you in terms of size or even in terms of comfort as quality might not be that good. These sort of problems could lead to eye infections or head aches if vision correction is not adapted. An Optometrists or Ophthalmologists will guide you to specific contacts that will be suitable for eyes and personal requirements.

Furthermore if you are novice with contact lenses then you will surely not know the good brands. If ever you fall on a low quality band then you might not be satisfied with the product purchased. Having a prescription and seeing an optician would be the ideal solution has he would be able to recommend you the best contact lenses as he is a specialist.