Colored Contacts Trial Pair

As color contact lenses are not always cheap, you are probably wondering whether you can have the colored contacts trial pair and where you can find it. Trial colored contacts can be found in different places as described below.

1) Your Doctor: The first place where you can find them is at your doctor's office. He will do a medical exam to see which ones are suited for you and will give you a free trial of a well known brand. They give this you as a free test for being one of their patients.

2) Freshlook Website: Normally, unless they change this, you should be able to get a trial pair through Freshlook's website. Just look on their website and you will probably find a link saying "try for free" or something similar. They will then ask which colored contact model and color you want, give them your email and they will send you a certificate that you must take to your eye care professional who will give you the colored contacts trial pair.

3) Acuvue Website: If you prefere Acuvue, you can also do the same thing on their website. They will also send you a certificate after you have completed a questionnaire. Just bring it to your eye specialist and you will have your free trial pair.

All in all, as you have seen it i possible to get a trial pair of color contacts from the best brands, but you always need to go and see you eye specialist. This is simply due to the fact that you need someone to measure your eye, so that they give you a contact lense which adapted to your eyes!